best. breakfast. ever

fresh (picked this morning), organic raspberries


I didn't get them all for myself, though.  had to share with this guy

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an uneasy peace

in celebration of Thanksgiving, witness something never-seen-before

this momentary scene of peace and harmony brought to you by the following players:

Princess Hank

Pepper aka Dr. Pepper aka Peperito

Steven Elizabeth

they thank you for your attention and wish you a most

joyful holiday – or a most joyful Thursday, if you are
outside the U.S.

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fQotD: write your own children’s book

several folks in my 'hood have answered today's qotd by posting their fave children's books. wonderful choices.  just to be contrary, I thought to write my own.

Stevie has a breakfast

Stevie woke up  hungry.  he decided to look around for something to eat.

ahoy!  there is something to check out

mmm.  it seems to be alone and unprotected

it's mine!  all mine!

quite tasty, actually.  much better than kibble. 

what!?  you say it is your breakfast? back off missy!

The End

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baby steve

yeah, I know I stole this pic from teh SO's.  but I don't care.  the picture cracks me up waaaay to much and I want to see it when I come to me own little VOX home.  so there.

plus I am submitting it to the VOX CO group.

the story behind this picture, if you are curious, is here

doesn't he look like the most petulant baby evar?

my silly goofy boy…

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